PPPs for COP27 & BeyondTM


The Annual Congress will cover a wide range of topics to assist PPP Professionals in fulfilling their mandate.

The event will be held over the week of Monday 13 June to Friday 17 June 2022 in virtual format, with the followings themes :

  • 1st day is devoted to Planning and future-proofing PPP Strategy and Frameworks
  • 2nd day is devoted to Adapting PPP Contracts and implementation to new realities
  • 3rd day is devoted to The view from the field and PPP Unit presentations
  • 4th day is looking at PPPs from differents sectoral and thematic-based discussions
  • 5th day is focus on Looking forward to COP27 & Beyond and WAPPP awards

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Connect and mingle with WAPPP's unique global network of PPP Units & Professionals.

Join us, as we bring private and public sector stakeholders together towards one common goal of achieving more climate resilient infrastructure under the SDGs framework.
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PPPs for COP27 & BeyondTM

event partner registration (1)

Interested in growing your PPP
business, increasing your global
reach and making 2022 your best
year yet ? Click to find out more

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Access the agenda of the Congress
week with the allocated time slots
and brief descriptions of each session

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Find out more about
the registration process


Monday, 13 June 2022

13:00 Welcome address by the President of WAPPP
13:15 Keynote panel
14:30 Session 1: Aligning financing with SDGs and ESG
15:30 Session 2: Readiness to promote Climate Resilient PPPs
16:30 Session 3: How can PPPs embrace Innovation and Tech ?
17:30 Session 4: Private sector as a catalyzer of sustainable infrastructure through PPPs

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

9:00 PPP Unit presentation : Kuwait
9:45 PPP Unit presentation : Kenya
10:30 PPP Unit presentation : Morocco
11:15 PPP Unit presentation : Poland
12:00 Session 1 : Managing PPP contracts to cope with current and future changes
13:30 Session 2 : Evolving the airport PPP industry to meet the challenges of the energy transition
14:30 Session 3 : PPPs in times of crises
16:00 Session 4 : Financing the leapfrogging of emerging economies: the role of PPPs
17:00 : PPP Unit presentation : Ukraine
17:45 : PPP Unit presentation : Panama
18:30 : PPP Unit presentation : Tunisia

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

8:00 PPP Unit presentation : Japan
8:45 PPP Unit presentation : Republic of Korea
9:30 PPP Unit presentation : The Philippines
10:15 PPP Unit presentation : Kyrgyz Republic
11:00 PPP Unit presentation : Egypt
11:45 PPP Unit presentation : Italy
12:30 PPP Project transaction management
13:00 MDB Session: What can MDBs do to foster resilient PPPs ?
14:00 What can UN Regional Commissions do to
foster resilient PPPs?
14:45 PPP Unit presentation : Rwanda
15:30 PPP Unit presentation : USA
16:15 PPP Unit presentation : Canada
17:00 PPP Unit presentation : Mexico
17:45 PPP Unit presentation : Peru
18:30 PPP Unit presentation : Paraguay

Thursday, 16 June 2022

9:15 PPP Unit presentation : Bangladesh
10:15 Rising urbanization, changing demographics and the need for green mobility
11:15 Networking event
12:00 Ports on the frontline of physical climate risks
13:00 Financing of Rail PPP Projects
14:00 Central PPP Units: Success factors and challenges
15:00 The growing role of PPPs in North America
16:00 Structuring sustainable PPPs in Latin America
17:00 State of private investment in infrastructure: GI Hub’s infrastructure Monitor 
17:20 PPP Unit presentation : Jamaica
18:00 PPP Unit presentation : Dominican Republic
18:45 PPP Unit presentation : Ecuador

Friday, 17 June 2022

9:00 Supporting the successful delivery of PPPs with free educational resources
10:00 Future generation and impact of today’s PPPs
11:00 Growing role of Private sector initiatives and Philanthropy in PPPs
12:00 Global outlook at COP27
13:00 Ensuring women empowerment and participation in sustainable PPPs
14:00 Capstone – PPP Projects to align SDGs with Economic Recovery and Resilience
15:30 Closing Session : Awards for selected papers and Recognition of event partners
16:30 Closing Ceremony : End of Congress

See who’s speaking

Sharon Singh
Co-Chair Young PPP Professionals Chapter
passport photo johnson
Johnson Kiliangi
Chair PPP Finance Forum
Ricardo Mcklmon (2)
Ricardo McKlmon
Co-Chair MENA Chapter
Sergey Samolis
Co-Chairs CIS & Turkey Chapter
melissa headshot
Melissa Peneycad
Co-Chair Sustainability & Resilience Chapter
bartosz mysiorski
Co-Chair Europe Chapter
Chair Philanthropy in PPP Forum
Co-Chair Latin America Chapter
binary comment
Lieven Jacquemyn
Co-Chair Asia Pacific Chapter
sharifah hamzah profile photo 2
Sharifah Hamzah
Co-Chair Asia Pacific Chapter
Jyoti Bio Photo January 2020
Jyoti Bisbey
Chair Partnerships Committee
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Dodd David A.
Co-Chair Sustainability & Resilience Chapter
Jinane Ghosh 100
Ghosh Jinane
Co-Chair Young PPP Professionals Chapter
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Rahmoun FatimaZohra
Chair of the Women in PPP Chapter
Marcfrilet 100
Frilet Marc
Legislative Framework Chapter
Raymond Saner 100
Saner Raymond
Chair Academic Forum
Monicaaltamirano 100
Altamirano Monica A.
Chair Water & Natural Infrastructure PPP Chapter
Olympus Digital Camera
Wehl Erik
Chair Port PPP Chapter
natalia korchakova heeb foto grey landscape
Korchakova-Heeb Natalia
Chair Healthcare PPP Chapter
Jacques Follain (3)
Follain Jacques
Chair Airport PPP Chapter
Stucchi Andrea
Co-Chair Europe Chapter
Dr. Eyüp 100
Vural Aydin Eyüp
Co-Chairs CIS & Turkey Chapter
nb profile pic f jan22
Dr. Bana Naresh
Chair South Asia Chapter
Primah Atugonza Kyambadde 100
Atugonza Kyambadde Primah
Chair Africa Chapter
Jaime Li
Li Ojeda Jaime
Co-Chair Latin America Chapter
Bax Photo
Baxter David
Chair North America Chapter
Irfanal Hasani 100
Al-Hasani Irfan
Co-Chair MENA Chapter
Thibaut Mourgues 100
Mourgues Thibaut
Chair Editorial Board
jean christophe barth
Barth-Coullaré Jean-Christophe
Executive Director
Z A Hayek 100
Hayek Ziad Alexandre
Executive Committee
Provides horizontal support across the board, runs all logistical and operational activities.
Thematic Chapters
Where activities are led by thematics.
Sectoral Chapters
Where activities are led by sectors.
Regional Chapters
Where activities are led by regions.
Steering Committee
Provides horizontal support across the board, strategic and tactical direction of WAPPP.
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Event partner proposal

Become an event partner and get access to PPP Units, a select audience of PPP Professionals that allows you to build new business relationships globally.


Register now !

The Annual Congress will host international experts on the subject of “PPPs for COP27 & Beyond” from within the WAPPP global network of PPP practitioners, the United Nations Organizations, Governments, global and bilateral Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) as well as the investors, lenders, infrastructure companies, businesses, manufacturers and other “for impact” organizations. See you there !