WAPPP Round Table: How will the airport PPP market evolve post COVID-19?

18/04/2021 | 12.00 – Webinar

On 29 March 2021 WAPPP, the World Association of PPP Units & Professionals held an international round table with airport industry experts to discuss the outlook on airport PPPs.

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On 29 March 2021 WAPPP, the World Association of PPP Units & Professionals held an international round table with airport industry experts to discuss the outlook on airport PPPs.
The airport PPPs market has been dramatically affected by the COVID 19 outbreak and very few transactions have taken place in 2020 and will likely take place in 2021.
The sudden and lasting drop in air traffic has put a majority of airport concessions in a critical situation, demonstrating that the protections usually offered in airport PPP contracts are in most cases, very weak in helping the concessionaires to re-establish satisfactory conditions allowing them to continue to operate their concessions under the best conditions .
In this context, although PPPs remain an unmissable option for many governments to develop their airports, investors and financiers, worried by the remaining uncertainties in the aviation sector, seem to remain cautious and questioning when and how will airport PPPs transactions resume.
WAPPP is pleased to welcome you and your colleagues to a public Webinar where renown airport PPP experts will be exchanging on their thoughts as regards when, how and under which conditions airport PPP market will survive and resume post COVID 19 outbreak.

Event program

Anke Heinze, Director of Investment & Financing, AviAlliance GmbH
Curtis Grad, CEO and Founding Partner, Modalis Infrastructure Partner
David Olivier Tarac, Managing Director, ADP International Americas
Alexander Leigh, Global Sector Lead for Airports PPP Advisory at IFC
Aves Lepage, Partner leading Energy & Infrastructure PPPs at Orrick

Jacques Follain, Chair of the WAPPP Airport Chapter.

Useful information

WAPPP is a Geneva-based, global, independent, non-governmental organization. It aims to establish an international network of PPP units and PPP practitioners (corporate and individual, public and private) involved in the design and implementation of PPP’s.
Key benefits of WAPPP include global collaboration, mentorship, networking and the promotion of best practices, advocacy for PPPs and the profession, and to help society achieve the UN SDGs.
You can follow WAPPP on the website wappp.org, Twitter, LinkedIn and the WAPPP Secretariat YouTube channel.
If you would like to join wappp.org please write to membership@wappp.org and if you have any questions do not hesitate to write to contact@wappp.org.

Registration access

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