How Dispute Avoidance creates more collaborative PPPs: Including the use of PPPs

18/04/2021 | 12.00 – Webinar

15 April 2021 World Association of PPP Units & Professionals & Dispute Resolution Board Foundation

Free CHF – Open to public


15 April 2021 World Association of PPP Units & Professionals & Dispute Resolution Board Foundation

Event program

– Murray Armes, Founder & Managing Director at Sense Studio, Past President of DRBF Region 2
– Serge Bodart, Partner at PMG, Chair DRBF PPP Task Force and Member of WAPPP
– Oscar A. Cortés Reyna, VP International at FEMCIC & Member of the WAPPP North America Leadership Committee
– Mark Moseley, Principal at MMM Infra, Member of the DRBF PPP Task Force and of Member of WAPPP

Jean-Christophe Barth, WAPPP Executive Director & Deal Mediator

Useful information

Webinar narrative:
In virtually every infrastructure PPP contract, disputes between the parties will occasionally arise – which is not surprising, given the complexity and the long duration of such contracts. These disputes may lead to renegotiation requests or, in some instances, the premature termination of the contract. The frequency and impact of these outcomes has given rise to a great deal of criticism of the PPP model, even though contractual disputes are also quite common in construction projects which are not PPP transactions.
Well designed PPP contracts become more resilient with robust dispute avoidance mechanisms (partnering, visualization, standing dispute boards, co-mediation) and may play a major role in improving the delivery of essential infrastructure services around the world.

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